The Experience of a lifetime

From time to time at Back Track, we receive emails from past trekkers and I would like to share one with you now.

For all who have completed the Kokoda Track we all experience at least one significant realisation during our trek that probably was not an expectation before we departed Australia. The sentiment expressed in the following email is typical of so many we receive.

“I was well prepared historically and physically but totally unprepared culturally. These lovely gracious people in what I would call ‘Happy poverty” what an eye opener. I think the cultural experience became the highlight for many in our group. The early battlefields where our innocent “teenage soldiers” gave their all (their last and lasting gift) will always remain the highlight for me.”

PNG receives much bad press for which it does not deserve. The people of PNG and Australia will always be linked by way of our common historical experiences which include the battles fought by Australian and PNG soldiers on PNG soil during WW2.

WE should never forget our PNG mates and comrades in arms.

If you would like to assist the people of PNG in a meaningful way and in particular those who live along the Track and are the living family of our Fuzzy Wuzzy brothers, you can. Be inspired and be generous. Go to


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