Medical Advice by Dr Deb

Dr Deborah “Deb” Mills

Back Track Adventures is taking every precaution on your behalf to ensure a safe and exciting experience but there are some things that only you can do. Once you are well prepared, you can relax and have a good time.

Personal preparation involves:

  • Making an appointment immediately with your Doctor for a health check. Discuss the merits of a cardi vascular test
  • Getting fit
  • Correct Immunisations
  • Malaria prevention
  • Carrying personal medical supplies
  • Practicing healthy behaviours

Back Track Recommendations

  • Please speak with a medical professional on the above 6 points when booking.
  • If you live in Brisbane: We recommend that you speak with Dr Deb and her Team of Travel Doctors for the right advice.
  • For all other areas in Australia: Follow the link to find a Professional Travel Doctor closest to you.


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